We do not arrange flights as we’ve found that continually searching for low-cost options is the best way to get value. However, we can recommend trusted providers. Feel free to reach out if you need more assistance.
Yes, we can organize transport to and from activities and airports to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for your group.
Absolutely! If you’re only interested in booking a specific activity, we can arrange that for you without the need for a full package.
We carefully select accommodations that are close to popular pubs, clubs, and activity centers, so you’re never far from the action.
Yes, we accept late bookings, but availability may be limited. We recommend booking as early as possible to secure your preferred dates and activities.
Our cancellation policy varies depending on the specific booking and package. Please contact us directly for detailed information regarding your booking.
Bucks Weekends,
42 Manilla St East Brisbane 4169 QLD
01485 981 334
Our package finder saves the average group $17 per person.
Our package finder saves the average group $17 per person.
Our package finder saves the average group $17 per person.